Primera bebé nacida en Curicó en 2025 recibió tradicional visita del alcalde George Bordachar

Junto al director del Hospital de Curicó, Jorge Canteros y la embajadora de la Vendimia, Celia Fuenzalida, celebraron la llegada de Emyli, la primera bebé del año.

En una emotiva jornada llena de alegría y tradición, el alcalde de Curicó, George Bordachar Sotomayor, visitó a la primera bebé nacida en el 2025, Emyli Belén Trejo Vásquez, quien llegó al mundo cerca del mediodía este miércoles 1 de enero de 2025, mediante una cesárea de urgencia. Emyli, quien pesó 3 kilos 120 gramos, es hija de Leopoldo Ignacio Trejo Martínez e Isabel del Carmen Vásquez Díaz, una pareja oriunda de Rauco.

Celebrando una nueva vida

Acompañado por el director del Hospital de Curicó, Dr. Jorge Canteros, y de Celia Fuenzalida, embajadora de la Fiesta de la Vendimia, el alcalde destacó la importancia de esta tradicional actividad. Muy contento y agradecer al doctor Jorge Canteros que nos permita, como tradición, como un alcalde, visitar a nuestro nuevo curicanos, a la Emyli, que a pesar de que viene de Rauco ya es curicana y conocemos otros niños también que vienen de otras comunas, pero muy contento por esta actividad y que esperemos que se siga manteniendo en el tiempo”, dijo.

La primera autoridad comunal también felicitó y agradeció el profesionalismo del personal de salud que estuvo trabajando en estas jornadas de fin de año. “Son muy pocos los nacimientos que hemos tenido acá en un tremendo hospital y felicitarle efectivamente al equipo. Todas las madres nos han dicho que han sido bien tratadas humanamente, así que eso es lo que resalto (…) Agradecer al doctor, al equipo, porque esto es lo que queremos, que todos nos sintamos curicanos, a pesar de que venían niños de Lontué, deRauco, de otros lados, pero contentos porque son curicanos hoy día. Así que nos vamos muy felices y además contentos por la atención que reciben las madres y los bebés acá en el Hospital de Curicó”, sostuvo.

Leopoldo Ignacio Trejo Martínez, padre de Emyli, expresó su emoción por este primer nacimiento del 2025 que llegó para llenar de alegría a toda su familia. “Extasiado, lo único sí, los primeros días preocupado, porque como fueron dos días de espera, igual uno se preocupa igual, pero nada, agradecido con los funcionarios, con todo lo personal que hizo que mi bebé saliera sanita y salvo. Y nada, agradecido, feliz, contento, como le digo, extasiado con ella.

El orgulloso padre también agradeció la visita de las autoridades, asegurando que lo tomó por sorpresa: “Inesperado, pero bonito igual, pues igual fue la primera curicana, así que eso no se lo pueden negar”, afirmó.

Importancia de los nacimientos

El Dr. Canteros, director del recinto, aprovechó la oportunidad para subrayar la dedicación del equipo de salud y manifestó la importancia de promover la natalidad, ya que afirmó que esta cifra cada vez es más baja.

“Agradecer la visita del alcalde George Bordachar y su comitiva, la embajadora de la Vendimia, manteniendo una tradición que pone atención en poner en relieve los nacimientos y promover la natalidad. Vemos ya que esas cifras en Chile van cada vez en descenso y eso no es una buena señal, la buena señal es que todos los niños que hemos visto y sus madres han referido estar muy contentos por la atención que ha recibido nuestro equipo de salud. Yo aprovecho la oportunidad de felicitar a nuestros funcionarios por la labor que realizan los 365 días al año cuando algunos están festejando y otros están trabajando y haciendo una atención digna, cercana, haciéndose cargo de la demanda de nuestros usuarios, siendo fraternos y sobre todo acogedores”, indicó.

Muchas emociones

Por su parte, Celia Fuenzalida destacó la importancia que tiene esta jornada para la comunidad curicana y para ella como profesional de salud.

“Hoy día me siento muy orgullosa, muy feliz de estar acá en esta hermosa tradición, en un hospital nuevo para nuestra comuna, para nuestra provincia, que eso me llena mucho porque yo también soy personal de salud. Así que estoy muy feliz de ver que partimos el 2025 con buenísimas noticias, todos nuestros recién nacidos están sanos, están junto a sus mamás que también están sanas y muy feliz de ver al equipo de salud que trabaja con tanto cariño, con tanto amor por cada uno de sus pacientes y hacen que esta experiencia del parto, que está tan cargada de emociones, que sea un momento muy bonito”.

Emyli y su madre Isabel se encuentran en excelente estado de salud, según confirmó el equipo médico del Hospital de Curicó. Este tipo de visitas, además de resaltar la importancia de la natalidad, permiten fortalecer el vínculo entre las autoridades y la comunidad, promoviendo valores de unidad y esperanza para el futuro.

Inauguran laboratorio de ciberdefensa para proteger la infraestructura crítica del país

Las opciones que ofrece la tecnología y el mundo digital cada día aumentan pero muchas veces estas se prestan para cometer ciberataques, convirtiéndose en los principales blancos de estos las organizaciones privadas y gubernamentales de gran escala. Es justamente con el objetivo de estar preparado frente a estas amenazas que se desarrolló este proyecto.

Se trata del Laboratorio de Ciberdefensa para la Protección de Infraestructura Crítica (CiberLab), iniciativa desarrollada en conjunto por el Centro de Innovación UC y del Ejército de Chile, además de empresas privadas del rubro tecnológico que ayudarán a desarrollar, probar y crear especialistas en ciberseguridad.

Pedro Bouchon, vicerrector de Investigación UC, comentó que el proyecto se debe a la necesidad de adaptarse a las nuevas normas que introdujo la Ley Marco de Ciberseguridad y la próxima Ley de Protección de Datos, “siempre entendiendo que el ciberespacio es un mundo en constante evolución, donde los desafíos y oportunidades se entrelazan de forma dinámica”.

Por su parte, Cristián Guedelhoefer, Comandante de Educación y Doctrina del Ejército Nacional, aseguró que “es solo el primer paso en el trabajo colaborativo entre ambas entidades para avanzar en otras áreas del conocimiento como parte de este ecosistema de innovación”.

Y es que una de las virtudes clave de este proyecto es el trabajo colaborativo entre el mundo público, académico y privado. Por ejemplo entre las organizaciones presentes están: la Asociación de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras, la Corporación de Ciberseguridad Minera, Duoc UC, AWS (Amazon), Claro, Conecta Logística del Ministerio de Transporte, Palo Alto Networks, entre otras.

Los proyectos se llevarán a cabo en el laboratorio de 100 metros cuadrados donde habrá dos nodos de ciberdefensa, uno para el trabajo con el Ejército de Chile y otro para uso el compartido entre el Centro de Innovación UC y los miembros fundadores del laboratorio.

La primera fase contempla ocho pilotos para el resto de 2024, incluyendo pruebas de tecnologías emergentes como tecnologías cuánticas e inteligencia artificial, simulaciones de ciberdefensa y ransomware, y monitoreo de indicadores de compromiso. Además, de otros temas ya más estudiados como blockchain, internet de las cosas, comunicaciones seguras, criptografía, realidad virtual, bigdata, telemedicina y medicina militar, entre otras.


Conoce los descuentos en gas y parafina para este invierno

Con el inicio de la temporada de invierno 2024, las bajas temperaturas se transforman en una nueva problemática para las familias, que deben buscar alternativas para calefaccionar sus hogares sin descuidar el presupuesto.

Con esto en mente, Caja La Araucana lanzó su campaña para que sus afiliados y pensionados puedan acceder a una serie de descuentos en gas y parafina de hasta dos recargas mensuales por persona.

“Somos conscientes de que las familias requieren calefacción en sus hogares y que frecuentemente no disponen de los medios necesarios para lograrlo, lo que se transforma en un gasto extra o en el uso de mecanismos que son más contaminantes. Por esta razón, nuestra campaña está diseñada para ayudar a nuestros afiliados, afiliadas y pensionados a reducir sus costos y contribuir al medioambiente, con el objetivo de que puedan pasar un mejor invierno”, destacó el gerente general de La Araucana, Francisco Sepúlveda.

Para acceder a la promoción, que tiene vigencia hasta el 31 de agosto o hasta agotar stock, el afiliado solo debe decir su RUT e indicar convenio, acercándose a las estaciones de servicio en alianza. En el caso de Gasco, la recarga se podrá realizar dos veces al mes, llamando a través del call center o vía WhatsApp. Por su parte, Lipigas cuenta con las mismas condiciones de recarga y se podrá acceder a ella a través de su centro de atención telefónica o la página web.

Descuentos Gasco

  • Recargas 11 KG: $2.700 de descuento para pensionados y afiliados. Hasta dos recargas por mes.
  • Recargas 15 KG: $5.5000 de descuento para pensionados y afiliados. Hasta dos recargas por mes.

Descuentos Lipigas

  • Recargas 5 KG: $1.000 de descuento para pensionados y afiliados. Hasta dos recargas por mes.
  • Recargas 11 KG: $4.000 de descuento para pensionados y $3.500 de descuento para afiliados. Hasta dos recargas por mes.
  • Recarga 15 KG: $6.500 de descuento para pensionados y afiliados. Hasta dos recargas por mes.
  • Recarga 45 KG: $5.000 de descuento para pensionados y afiliados. Hasta dos recargas por mes.
  • Recarga 11 KG Plus: $4.000 de descuento para pensionados y $3.500 de descuento para afiliados. Hasta dos recargas por mes.

Descuentos Petrobras:

  • $400 de descuento por litro para pensionados. Tope mensual de 22 litros.
  • $200 de descuento por litro para afiliados. Tope mensual de 22 litros.

Para conocer más información, pincha aquí.

Peloton to replace chief executive and cut 2,800 jobs amid sales slump

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

BP dismisses calls for windfall tax as profits hit all eight-year high

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

Pfizer accused of pandemic profiteering as profits double in pandemic

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

Tesco chairman warns of food price inflation at 5% by spring in the UK this year

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

Ocado hit by labour shortages but insists it is holding down prices for customers

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

Asda makes cheapest food pledge after pressure from Jack Monroe

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

Nvidia’s $40bn takeover of UK chip designer Arm collapses in recent news

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.