Exitosos resultados PAES para las Escuelas de Administración y Comercio

Las Escuelas de Administración y Comercio tienen razones para estar felices, ya que los resultados obtenidos por sus estudiantes en la Prueba de Acceso a la Educación Superior (PAES) son un testimonio del trabajo arduo, profesionalismo y dedicación de 20 años de compromiso con la comunidad de Curicó y Sarmiento.

Este año los resultados que han logrado, son los más destacados de su trayectoria, 2 de sus estudiantes han alcanzado puntajes nacionales, y más de 20 estudiantes con puntajes sobre los  800 puntos, entre sus Sedes Técnico Profesional en Sarmiento y el Liceo Bicentenario HC en Curicó.

Puntajes Nacionales Ian Rojas Veliz – Liceo Bicentenario HC Jorge Montepil Nuñez – Liceo Bicentenario HC

Puntajes destacados

Leonor Medina Urquiola – Sede Media TP

Claudio Vásquez Olivos – Sede Media TP

Bernardo Contreras González – Liceo Bicentenario HC

Camilo Alegría Burgos – Liceo Bicentenario HC

Sofía Mondaca Nuñez – Liceo Bicentenario HC

Leonor Medina – Sede Media TP

Un logro que llena de orgullo a la comunidad en general, pues han demostrado que son un establecimiento que brinda herramientas para el éxito. Con excelentes profesionales que han creado un entorno de aprendizaje que fomenta la excelencia académica y el desarrollo personal, donde los estudiantes tienen a disposición recursos y apoyo académico de alta calidad, lo que les permite alcanzar su máximo potencial.

El éxito de los estudiantes de las Escuelas de Administración y Comercio es un testimonio del compromiso de la institución con la excelencia educativa. Esfuerzo y perseverancia de los mismos alumnos y alumnas, y los profesores que los guían en este camino al futuro.

La Escuela de Administración y Comercio Sede Sarmiento se Corona Campeona de la Copa Alianza Francesa Curicó 2024

En una jornada marcada por la densa neblina y el frío intenso, la selección femenina de la Escuela de Administración y Comercio Sede Sarmiento logró alzarse con el título de campeona de la Copa Alianza Francesa Curicó 2024. El evento, que congregó a equipos escolares de la comuna, fue una verdadera muestra de esfuerzo, dedicación y talento deportivo.

El camino hacia el campeonato no fue fácil para la Escuela de Administración y Comercio (AC). En su primer encuentro, se enfrentaron al Colegio El Pilar en un partido reñido que terminó empatado 2 a 2. La definición llegó mediante lanzamientos penales, donde la Escuela AC demostró su temple y precisión, ganando y avanzando a la siguiente fase.

El segundo partido de la jornada fue contra el Colegio Alta Cumbre, donde la Escuela AC mostró un juego ofensivo y coordinado, logrando una contundente victoria por 3 goles a 1. Este triunfo les aseguró un lugar en el partido final, en el que se enfrentarían al equipo anfitrión, la Alianza Francesa.

El último encuentro, disputado bajo una atmósfera tensa y con el público al borde de sus asientos, se definió con un gol solitario pero decisivo, que dio la victoria a la Escuela AC sobre la Alianza Francesa por 1 a 0. Este resultado no solo les permitió alzarse con la copa, sino también demostrar su superioridad a lo largo del torneo.

El cuarto lugar del campeonato fue para el equipo de la Alianza Francesa, el tercer lugar para el Colegio Alta Cumbre y el segundo lugar para el Colegio El Pilar. El primer lugar y la tan ansiada copa fueron entregados a la Escuela de Administración y Comercio Sede Sarmiento, recibida con orgullo por su capitana, Florencia Manríquez.

Este logro es un testimonio del esfuerzo conjunto del equipo y el apoyo incondicional de sus seguidores. La Copa Alianza Francesa Curicó 2024 quedará en la memoria como una jornada de desafíos superados y metas alcanzadas, donde la neblina y el frío no pudieron opacar el calor de la victoria.

Destacados resultados en Simce obtuvieron las escuelas de Administración y Comercio de Curicó

El Sistema de Medición de la Calidad de la Educación, conocido como SIMCE, es una herramienta fundamental para evaluar el nivel de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en diferentes áreas del conocimiento. Y tras el impacto de la pandemia, el Consejo Nacional de Educación aprobó modificar el Plan de Evaluaciones y suspender la ordenación de establecimientos educacionales a partir de los resultados obtenidos en la evaluación 2022 y sus consecuencias.

Así, el Simce 2022 evaluó a estudiantes de 4° básico y 2° medio, en las asignaturas de Lenguaje y Comunicación y de Matemática. Además, se aplicaron los Cuestionarios de Calidad y Contexto de la Educación a toda la comunidad educativa.

Bajo este contexto y pese a las circunstancias adversas, las Escuelas de Administración y Comercio obtuvieron excelentes resultados, demostrando calidad y compromiso con la educación de cada uno de los estudiantes de la Familia AC. Un proceso en el que las Escuelas implementaron diversas medidas para que los estudiantes aprendieran de manera óptima y eficaz:

  • Entrega de chip con internet a todos los estudiantes que no contaban con un buen acceso a las herramientas digitales.
  • Acceso y capacitación a Classroom tanto para familias como docentes, para un uso óptimo de la plataforma.
  • Implementación de plataformas educativas de apoyo, como Steam School in a Box (programación y robótica) y English Discoveries (clases de inglés personalizadas).
  • Contacto permanente con las familias, para apoyar la asistencia, ayuda o cualquier necesidad que surgiera en el proceso.
  • Uso de Redes Sociales como herramienta de comunicación e informativo, donde se entregaron contenidos de apoyo al aprendizaje.
  • Clases remotas efectivas, donde docentes innovaron y aplicaron diversos métodos para promover y lograr los objetivos académicos.

Un proceso que no fue fácil, ya que la dedicación de los equipos educativos fue primordial para lograr estos resultados, donde se adaptaron y usaron las nuevas tecnologías a su favor. Lo que permitió que los alumnos y alumnas participaran activamente, y se tradujeran hoy en un desarrollo académico destacado. Que los instó a seguir mejorando y manteniendo las herramientas que han proporcionado para conseguir estos grandes logros.

A continuación, conozca los resultados.


Colegio Gran Explorador la nueva carta de educación gratuita en Curicó

Una nueva apuesta educacional es por la que se encuentra apostando el nuevo colegio “Gran Explorador” esta vez con educación completamente GRATUITA

El establecimiento que hasta el año pasado funcionaba como jardín, este 2023, dá el paso a la educación pre escolar, para ya en el 2024 comenzar con el desafío escolar, implementando el 1ero básico en sus aulas.

Gran Explorador desde este 2023 cuenta con Educación Gratuita y los siguientes cursos

–     Curso medio mayor Lenguaje

–     Pre Kinder y Kinder Lenguaje

–     Pre Kinder y Kinder regular

–     Primero Básico a partir del año 2024

Y desde el 2023 Educación Gratuita y con continuidad

El colegio Gran Explorador que está ubicado en la calle Carrera 65 (a un costado de la ACHS) en Curicó, cuenta con metodologías activas para el aprendizaje desarrollada por especialistas quienes potenciaran las cualidades individuales de cada niño y niña en un ambiente alegre, familiar, de confianza y respeto.

Dispone, de igual manera, de una infraestructura segura y de primer nivel con una excelente ubicación, con espacios estimulantes de exploración y aprendizaje.

Cristian Morales – Director colegio Gran Explorador

Encabezado por su director Cristian Morales el establecimiento cuenta con equipo multidisciplinario para fortalecer los requerimientos pedagógicos, conformado por Fonoaudióloga, Psicopedagoga, Educadora Diferencial, y para potenciar el desarrollo artístico motriz, docentes de Música, Inglés y Psicomotricidad, y lo más importante, salas acondicionadas para cada nivel y acceso para personas con movilidad reducida.

Su sostenedora Claudia Cabello Caroca nos mencionó “La verdad es que estoy feliz, porque este proyecto es un sueño anhelado para el centro de Curicó , el poder instalar un establecimiento educativo con los estándares de calidad de nuestro grupo educativo, es sin duda, una verdadera y real oportunidad para las familias que prefieren tener a sus hijos cerca de sus trabajos, un colegio completamente gratuito, con proyección de continuidad educativa con sellos del inglés , la actividad física, la sustentabilidad y el plan digital, que marcan la diferencia y genera bases sólidas para formar niños con competencias del siglo XXI.

Con profesionales y equipos multidisciplinarios donde el lenguaje ha cobrado especial relevancia luego de la pandemia, al provocar en nuestros niños rezagos importantes y de ahí nace la idea de iniciar también nuestra escuela de lenguaje junto a los niveles pre kínder y kínder de educación regular.” Cerró la sostenedora del colegio Gran Explorador

Investigación del colegio y fiscalía tras inhalación de sustancia desconocida por parte de estudiante

Los últimos acontecimientos en el ámbito escolar no han sido fáciles para las comunidades educativas a nivel nacional, y nuestra ciudad no ha sido la excepción, donde en los 2 primeros meses de clases se han desarrollado varios incidentes que incluso han terminado con estudiantes gravemente en el hospital.

Uno de ellos es el caso de un menor de edad que consumió hasta el momento una sustancia desconocida dentro de la Escuela Administración y Comercio ubicada en Sarmiento. Un hecho que ha conmocionado al colegio en general, y quienes desarrollaron una investigación interna para entregar todos los antecedentes al Ministerio Público y Policías para que se puedan esclarecer los hechos, que mantuvieron hospitalizado al joven durante 5 días en el Hospital de Curicó.

Ante lo sucedido, pudimos conversar con la Directora del establecimiento, Amelia Molina Letelier, quién nos relato parte de lo ocurrido el pasado jueves 28 de abril.

“El jueves por la tarde, en el último bloque de clases que finaliza a las 17:15 horas, la profesora alertada por el alumnado, se da cuenta que el estudiante no se siente bien. De manera inmediata se da aviso al equipo de inspectoría, que son los encargados de dar la primera atención, y son ellos quienes toman contacto con el apoderado, que en primera instancia se logra hacer con el abuelo y luego con la madre. En esos momentos se presta la atención que requiere el estudiante, destaco que en ningún momento el alumno haya convulsionado, tal como se dijo en redes sociales e incluso como contó la madre del joven en otro medio de comunicación, eso lo digo de manera clara que no fue así”

Tras los hechos, el Colegio activó sus procesos internos, puesto que el alumno había consumido sustancias ilícitas, toda materia de investigación y que se encuentra en manos del Ministerio Público para dar con la verdad de lo ocurrido.

“Se generaron las entrevistas correspondientes con los estudiantes que fueron señalados como participes, además se dio aviso a sus apoderados. Mencionar que ninguno de ellos declara haber consumido, visto o escuchado de que se consumiera alguna droga o sustancia ilegal, indican en todo momento que se trataba de vitamina C molida. Por eso para nosotros es fundamental el poder tener a la brevedad acceso al informe para saber realmente qué sustancia es, porque nosotros hasta ahora no tenemos pruebas científicas de lo que fue”

El Colegio ya ha puesto todos los antecedentes a disposición de la fiscalía, en espera de resultados concretos para poder aplicar las sanciones y procedimientos que correspondan con los estudiantes involucrados. Además de insistir con el apoyo al alumno afectado, situación que no ha sido posible, ya que indican que la apoderada no ha querido tomar contacto nuevamente con el colegio, no obstante, nos informan que han podido seguir el caso gracias a otras apoderadas cercanas, quienes informaron que desde el miércoles 4 de mayo el joven ya estaba de alta en su domicilio y recuperándose favorablemente.

Brexit damaging trade with EU, says public committee on Thursday

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

This Is Going to Hurt review – Ben Whishaw stars in a realism adaptation

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

No one should have to bear the online abuse I received while fighting hate

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

How rock climbing gave me a new perspective on the world – and myself

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.

Peloton to replace chief executive and cut 2,800 jobs amid sales slump

The rush to give employees access to all the tools they’d need to work from home was a bit, well, sudden for many employers. But after everyone settled in, what quickly became apparent to many office-based teams is that employees could be productive and focused when not in the office—in many cases, even more so. Employers everywhere began to understand that remote work really works.

Whether you’re on the hunt for a remote job or are already working virtually, check out this list of the advantages of working from home, along with some of the top companies that hire for remote jobs.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

As we’ve long known, remote work has a host of advantages for workers. We’re listing out the best of the best benefits of working from home—some you may already be aware of, and some that may open your eyes even more to remote work’s impact on employers, employees, the economy, and the planet.

1. Better Work-Life Balance

Many remote jobs also come with flexible schedules, which means that workers can start and end their day as they choose, as long as their work is complete and leads to strong outcomes. This control over your work schedule can be invaluable when it comes to attending to the needs of your personal life.

Whether it’s dropping kids off at school, running some errands, attending an online fitness class in the morning, or being home for a contractor, these tasks (and more!) are all easier to balance when you work from home.

2. Less Commute Stress

The average one-way commuting time in the U.S. is 27.1 minutes—that’s nearly an hour each day spent getting to and from work, and it really adds up. According to the Auto Insurance Center, commuters spend about 100 hours commuting and 41 hours stuck in traffic each year. Some “extreme” commuters face much longer commute times of 90 minutes or more each way.

But wasting time commuting is just one of the downsides of getting to and from work. More than 30 minutes of daily one-way commuting is associated with increased levels of stress and anxiety, and research shows that commuting 10 miles to work each day is associated with health issues like:

  • Higher cholesterol
  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Increased risk of depression

Ditching the commute helps you support your mental and physical health.

The time savings can allow you to focus on priorities outside of work, like getting extra sleep in the morning, spending more time with family, getting in a workout, or eating a healthy breakfast.

3. Location Independence

One of the considerable benefits of working from home is having access to a broader range of job opportunities that aren’t limited by geographic location. This can be especially helpful for job seekers living in rural communities and small towns where there may not be many available local positions. Having no set job location means that, pre-pandemic, fully remote workers could also travel and live as digital nomads while having a meaningful career.

Though a full nomad lifestyle is currently on hold, as borders begin to open up, it’s still a definite perk. People who have to move frequently, such as military spouses, can also benefit from having a remote job that can be done from anywhere, without having to start over at the bottom of a new company with each move.

In addition, remote work is a great way to avoid high-rent and high-mortgage areas, especially for positions (like tech) that used to require living in a city with a high cost of living. With remote work, you no longer have to live near a major metropolitan area to have a career you love.